
Young Knight, learn to love God and Women
Honour them and speak well of Leaders
With Manhood as one should, thus raise your honour.
Practice Knighthood and learn Art that decorates you
In war joining them in honour

Peter Faulkner, 1495


Over the past 30 years or so, the growth of HEMA - or Historical European Martial Arts has - blossomed. Many people today aren’t aware that European martial culture has a long and deep heritage, and that pre and even post widespread introduction of firearms our forbears were practising fighting systems every bit as complex and effective as those from the East, which are much more well known.

Surviving manuals have been the key driver for this rediscovery, and there are a surprising number that are still available to us. However, they are not all meant to be straightforward sets of instruction, and in most cases they require an understanding of basic principals before they can be interpreted.

Over the years there has been a worldwide collective effort to appraise, interpret and understand these enigmatic texts. Some are illustrated, some have annotation in cryptic forms, some are more straightforward. All require a good deal of background knowledge, and this has been gleaned through patient transcription, translation and experimentation. The result is a plethora of good information in easily accessible published forms. Martial arts groups have formed to train using these guides.


I began training in 2005 when the publication of material was beginning to develop. After taking time out and then coming back in 2015 it was very clear as to how much progress had been made. I joined an excellent local club focussing on longsword and worked hard. Understanding the fundamentals and having appropriate skills is vital to progress to mounted fencing, and it is through this skillset that I am able to interpret and practice the mounted “Rossfechten” techniques mentioned in many of the manuals. There are very, very few people that can accurately deploy the mounted techniques described in fencing manuals of the 15th century, but by combining my working equitation training - an excellent base for mounted fencing - and my experience fencing on foot I am one of the few that have unified the disciplines, and I can help you in your journey too.